Servant Partners was created to be a work that combined God’s call to proclaim the good news to every nation, and God's call to love and serve the urban poor.
Servant Partners grew out of a renewal movement that spread across American college campuses in the 1980's and 1990's. John Perkins and Viv Grigg, Christian leaders with hearts for justice, influenced this movement profoundly through their prophetic Biblical teaching and example. Inspired by God's Spirit, hundreds of graduating university students relocated into North American inner city neighborhoods to build deep relationships with people across cultural and economic divisions.
Servant Partners was founded in 1993 to facilitate a work among the urban poor that God's Spirit had already begun among graduates of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship's campus ministry. Over the years, Servant Partners teams serving in urban poor neighborhoods have strengthened existing churches, planted new churches, and/or helped create non-profits for increased ministry impact in their communities. Since 1995, hundreds of young adults have entered our internship programs and learned to love the urban poor by living, working, and ministering in urban poor neighborhoods.
In the late 1990's, God led us to expand our ministry from the US into the cities around the world. Today we work in over twenty cities around the world helping to plant churches, organize communities, and train leaders. We are working with national leaders to catalyze movements among the urban poor that transform their communities throughout their region.